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Kingsbury is a suburb between Bundoora and Reservoir within the Darebin City local government area approx. 12km northeast of Melbourne CBD. Its traditional landowners are the Wurundjeri People, while the suburb was named after Bruce Kingsbury VC who died in Papua New Guinea during the Second World War. There used to be a golf course running through the middle of Kingsbury which explains why so many street names are made up of golfing terms such as Green and Bunker Avenues, Flag and Eagle Streets and The Fairway.

Real estate consists of many original brick and weatherboard homes predominantly built in the 1960s. In recent decades, the suburb has seen an increase in housing development due to its proximity to La Trobe University. The university is slated for a multi-billion dollar revitalisation expected to provide more than 20,000 new jobs over 10 years and generate $3.5 billion in gross regional product in the next decade. As a result, more permanent housing and rental properties will be needed for the anticipated influx of staff and students.

Kingsbury has a wide range of sporting and recreational facilities, is close to a Leisure Centre and Community Sports Centre in neighbouring Reservoir as well as the University Sports Centre. Also close to Kingsbury is Bundoora Park featuring 180 hectares of natural bush parklands next to Darebin Creek. The nearest shopping centres are Northland Shopping Centre, Bundoora Square and Summer Hill Shopping Centre in Reservoir.

The combination of amenities, parklands and forthcoming infrastructure makes Kingsbury a highly desirable place to live for families now and into the future.

Suburb features


Kingsbury Primary School

Our Lady of the Way Catholic Primary School

La Trobe University


12km northeast of Melbourne CBD


Nearest train station is Reservoir

Tram 86 operates along Plenty Road between the CBD and Bundoora RMIT

Major bus routes servicing Kingston including to Reservoir and Macleod, the university and Northland Shopping Centre


DFO Uni Hill & Polaris

Bundoora Square Shopping Centre

Preston Market

Northland Shopping Centre

Bundoora Animal Farm

Reservoir Leisure Centre

Nearby suburbs


Your local office

The success of Hockingstuart Bundoora lies in having a strong understanding of the local real estate market, and a focus on always putting people first. We’re excited to be bringing a premium brand to the area along with well-established systems that ensure clients have a smooth and safe transaction across property management, sales and leasing.

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