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Brook Palmateer

Specialty suburbs
  • Margaret River
  • Cowaramup
  • Witchcliffe
  • Redgate
  • Bramley
  • Hamelin Bay
  • Augusta
Specialty suburbs
  • Margaret River
  • Cowaramup
  • Witchcliffe
  • Redgate
  • Bramley
  • Hamelin Bay
  • Augusta

You're in safe hands

Brook Palmateer is consistently the top real estate agent in the Margaret River area, and has been listing and selling properties in this beautiful region since 2014. Having achieved multiple awards both individually and as part of the Acton | Belle Property South West team, Brook says his success is testament to his focus on what’s important – his clients and their experience.

Brook has lived in the region for more than 30 years now and believes there’s simply no better place to raise a family and enjoy a great work-life balance. He has strong ties to the local surfing community and when he finds a rare spare moment, can usually be seen at one of the local surf breaks.

Prior to real estate, Brook managed his family's Busselton surf shop, giving him very strong grounding in customer service and sales, and these skills were of great value when he made the move into real estate sales over eight years ago. He enjoys the challenge of working in WA’s competitive south west real estate market and is proud to be a part of the trusted Acton | Belle Property brand that’s recognised all over Australia.

2024: Agent Team Top Sales Award: No.1 for WA 

2024: Agent Team No. of Transactions: No.1 for WA | No. 3 Nationally

2024: Platinum Elite Award


Brook Palmateer's team

Specialty suburbs

Margaret River

Request an appraisal

Do you have a property you need to sell?

Understand the current value of your home or investment property with a complimentary, obligation-free appraisal from your local Hockingstuart agent. 

Submit a request via the link and we will be in touch.

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