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Darren Kay

You're in safe hands

A vastly experienced and highly admired real estate professional with over 25 years of expertise and an exceptional knowledge of all things property in the Illawarra region, Darren Kay is the proud Co-principal of Belle Property Illawarra. An advocate of the Illawarra lifestyle, Darren recognised the need for a prestigious real estate brand and together with Co-principal, Nicole Kay, opened the Belle Property Illawarra office in 2011.

Darren is a benchmark setter in the industry. He holds more than 450 sales to date above $1million and is consistently in the top 5 performers nationally for Belle Property. Belle Property Illawarra also holds the award for #1 transacting office for 2017, 2018 and 2019. He has delivered multiple suburb and street records with the office currently holding the record for the highest sale under the hammer for a single dwelling home at $4.1 million.

As part of his vast skillset, Darren is recognised as a leading project marketing agent, notably managing sales of the Links Seaside development; a luxurious $160 million resort-style complex for over 55s. Testament to his outstanding talent, he single-handedly sold out the prestigious $18 million Equinox development in North Wollongong during the height of the Global Financial Crisis.

His love of property and talent for striking a deal has seen him achieve great success with an integrity, work ethic and dedication that can only be admired. Over the years he has worked with many high net worth clients and has developed an extensive network of personal clients, eliminating the need for on-line portals to secure buyers. His constant repeat and referral business is a testament to his success and makes him not only an asset to his team at Belle Property Illawarra but also an asset to the Belle Property network.


Darren & Nicole Kay's team

Specialty suburbs

Cordeaux Heights

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