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Tony Nguyen

Principal | Real Estate Agent, Hockingstuart Bundoora
Specialty suburbs
  • Bundoora
Specialty suburbs
  • Bundoora

You're in safe hands

Tony Nguyen comes from an extensive professional background with 15 years’ experience as a successful businessman in the area of agency and investment, both in Australia and internationally. This gives him exceptional acumen that is well suited to real estate sales, with a specialist understanding of negotiation, customer service and the fundamentals that drive the local market.

As a local Bundoora resident for over a decade, Tony has an expert knowledge of the region, its people and property and is focused on delivering the best possible service to his neighbours, local community and the migrants in one of the area’s most culturally diverse suburbs. Clients will find that he is always easy to get along with and approachable while being focused on supporting people and helping them find their dream home. As a principal and director of Hockingstuart Bundoora, his strengths include the ability to listen, understand and communicate effectively with a wide range of people.

Tony enjoys working in the challenging environment of real estate in Bundoora and is proud to be a part of an office of skilled professionals. He makes a great asset to the Hockingstuart family and shares the company’s passion for delivering a specialised service to the local community and bringing their best effort to serve everyone.

Specialty suburbs


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Do you have a property you need to sell?

Understand the current value of your home or investment property with a complimentary, obligation-free appraisal from your local Hockingstuart agent. 

Submit a request via the link and we will be in touch.

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