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Phil Cray

Specialty suburbs
  • The Gap
Specialty suburbs
  • The Gap

You're in safe hands

As one of the Principals at Belle Property The Gap, Phil Cray brings an impressive depth of experience to the team. With a background in construction management and years of involvement in property management and development. This knowledge will be passed on to the management and maintenance of your investment property to ensure the highest return for your investment along with the peace of mind in regard to looking after your valuable asset.

Careful selection of tenants makes our job easier and ensures that your property is in good hands. It is easier to put a good tenant in than it is to get a bad tenant out. Prior to accepting an application from a prospective tenant, they are personally shown through your property by Phil himself. All owners and tenants have a direct line of contact with Phil the owner of the business throughout their management.   

With our property management division comes the ability to provide a more specialized service to our clients along with the Belle Property market power, professionalism and ethics. All in all it serves you with the peace of mind that your investment is being managed to the highest possible levels.

Specialty suburbs

The Gap

Request an appraisal

Do you have a property you need to sell?

Understand the current value of your home or investment property with a complimentary, obligation-free appraisal from your local Hockingstuart agent. 

Submit a request via the link and we will be in touch.

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