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Brian Moulton

Specialty suburbs
  • Busselton
  • Margaret River
  • Wilyabrup
  • Rosa Brook
  • Jindong
  • Treeton
Specialty suburbs
  • Busselton
  • Margaret River
  • Wilyabrup
  • Rosa Brook
  • Jindong
  • Treeton

You're in safe hands

It’s hard to imagine anyone better qualified than Brian Moulton of Acton | Belle Property South West when it comes to selling premium rural properties throughout this spectacular part of WA. With a genuine ability to help people succeed, Brian has become the biggest seller of vineyards and wineries in WA, and has built a strong reputation based on having an in-depth knowledge and intimate understanding of the region.

Living and working in regional WA all his life, Brian fell into real estate almost by default. He owned and operated a stone fruit and cattle property in Balingup, building up a successful export trade to South East Asia before selling up to buy, renovate and on-sell houses in the local area.

Brian knows that buying and selling real estate can be a very emotionally charged situation which often requires sensitive negotiation, and he gets a lot of satisfaction in bringing two or more parties together in a deal that everyone is happy with.

His unique background ensures his clients receive the most sophisticated and positive approach to real estate sales in the marketplace. Together with the international brand of Acton | Belle Property, Brian leads the way when it comes to exceptional sales results and using the company’s vast network and resources to the advantage of his vendors.

2023: Principals Sales No. of Transactions: 8th for WA

2023: Principals (Sales) GCI: 3rd for WA

2023 Winner: Platinum Elite Award


Brian Moulton’s team

Specialty suburbs

Margaret River

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Understand the current value of your home or investment property with a complimentary, obligation-free appraisal from your local Hockingstuart agent. 

Submit a request via the link and we will be in touch.

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