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Nikita Khromykh

You're in safe hands

Standing at 2 metres tall, Nikita’s presence stops conversations when he enters a room. As an actor, he has gained excellent communication skills enabling him to connect with people from all walks of life.

Nikita has an open, warm, and vibrant personality passionate about helping clients through their property journey. His ability to listen and work together with client’s allows him to build long lasting relationships.

As part of the Belle Property Northbridge team, Nikita brings a fresh take on excellent customer service and staff support. On his days off you can find Nikita soaking in the sun on the beach or acting out scripts in his living room.

Specialty suburbs


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Do you have a property you need to sell?

Understand the current value of your home or investment property with a complimentary, obligation-free appraisal from your local Hockingstuart agent. 

Submit a request via the link and we will be in touch.

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