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Meagan Morgan

Sales Representative, Acton | Belle Property Mandurah
Specialty suburbs
  • Lakelands
  • Meadow Springs
  • Madora Bay
  • Singleton
  • Stake Hill
  • Parklands
  • Greenfields
  • North Dandalup
Specialty suburbs
  • Lakelands
  • Meadow Springs
  • Madora Bay
  • Singleton
  • Stake Hill
  • Parklands
  • Greenfields
  • North Dandalup

You're in safe hands

Having grown up in Mandurah with a strong family heritage connected to the area, Meagan Morgan brings a wealth of local knowledge. Her strong background of 20 years in customer service, marketing and administrative support means she knows the importance of communication, and has a friendly, professional approach that’s especially valued by her clients.

Meagan works alongside Miles Walton in Team Miles and shares his focus on high standards in customer service and client satisfaction. Her experience has assisted her to become the efficient and super-organised individual that she is, and she prides herself on being a great team player who is always willing to “go the extra miles” to help people achieve their goals.

Miles and Meagan have generated both successful results and an ever-growing number of extremely satisfied clients, fuelling their competitive drive to exceed expectations and achieve the very best results. Being part of Acton | Belle Property gives her the ability to offer the ultimate customer experience, with a boutique brand that represents quality, excellence and prestige.

Miles Walton's Team

Director | Sales Representative | Auctioneer
Sales Representative
Executive Assistant to Directors

Request an appraisal

Do you have a property you need to sell?

Understand the current value of your home or investment property with a complimentary, obligation-free appraisal from your local Hockingstuart agent. 

Submit a request via the link and we will be in touch.

Contact me

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