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Rhys Digance

You're in safe hands

With a wealth of experience in the Adelaide Real Estate market and a track record of success, Rhys Digance is a highly driven professional and brings unrivalled customer service and exceptional results to his clients throughout Adelaide.

Honest, genuine and transparent communication along with strong relationships are the foundation of Rhys’ business and his strict attention to detail, marketing experience and tireless work ethic ensure that your expectations are not only met but exceeded.

Rhys is extremely personable and prides himself on his integrity, high level of communication and ability to negotiate the best possible outcome for your greatest asset.

Rhys is proud to be the Co-Principal of Belle Property Glenelg and he is backed by a specialised team that has been designed to handle every facet of the selling and buying process with strong strategy and care all of which contribute to making him one of the leading agents in Adelaide.


Rhys Digance's team

Specialty suburbs


Request an appraisal

Do you have a property you need to sell?

Understand the current value of your home or investment property with a complimentary, obligation-free appraisal from your local Hockingstuart agent. 

Submit a request via the link and we will be in touch.

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