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You're in safe hands

Senior property manager Chloe Lawrence brings specialist knowledge and an adaptable style to her role in our successful property management team. With more than 12 years’ experience in the industry, she makes a highly proficient professional with an in-depth market knowledge of real estate in Point Clare and throughout the Central Coast. As a long-term local resident, she is in touch with the community and loves the quality of life that comes with living in such a warm and welcoming part of the world.

Chloe is very reliable, smart and organised about her work, and puts a high importance on negotiating ideal outcomes for all parties. She brings a friendly and no-nonsense attitude to the team at Belle Property Point Clare so that clients are assured they’ve made the right decision on their property manager.

She loves the opportunity to network and cultivate long-term relationships, and understands the importance of listening closely to her clients to truly understand their needs. Being part of the Belle Property network gives Chloe the backing of a luxurious brand in real estate and an experienced team of professionals known for providing positive results to their clients.

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Do you have a property you need to sell?

Understand the current value of your home or investment property with a complimentary, obligation-free appraisal from your local Hockingstuart agent. 

Submit a request via the link and we will be in touch.

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