Nick Dale
- Beaumont
- Bellawongarah
- Berry
- Broughton Vale
- Cambewarra
- Kangaroo Valley
- Beaumont
- Bellawongarah
- Berry
- Broughton Vale
- Cambewarra
- Kangaroo Valley
You're in safe hands
Nick Dale is a dedicated professional with a passion for all things real estate. He is a highly skilled negotiator, which when combined with his excellent business acumen, makes him a formidable person to have on your side.
Together with such a premium brand as Belle Property, he is able to offer every advantage to his clients when it comes to real estate in Berry and the many beautiful pockets of this part of the South Coast.
Coming from a background of working with international real estate giants, Knight Frank, and then running his own successful company that manufactured and marketed Australian-made luxury cosmetics, Nick has managed to hone the rare skill of making people feel truly relaxed with him, and absolutely confident in his ability to achieve the best possible result.
With his wife Kate and their three daughters, Nick relocated from his home in the beachside suburb of Newport to Cambewarra Village in order to join the family business. He brings with him a wealth of experience, but also qualities that are hard to find in the real estate arena. He is calm under pressure, with the ability to think outside of the box, never detouring from his goal of ensuring that his clients are always happy and satisfied – both with the sales process and the final result.

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