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Toby Parker

Principal | Auctioneer, Belle Property Balwyn
Specialty suburbs
  • Balwyn
  • Balwyn North
  • Hawthorn
  • Hawthorn East
  • Kew
  • Kew East
  • Surrey Hills
Specialty suburbs
  • Balwyn
  • Balwyn North
  • Hawthorn
  • Hawthorn East
  • Kew
  • Kew East
  • Surrey Hills

You're in safe hands

Conducting a successful auction is an art; the canvas needs to be prepared well before auction day, and the numerous elements must be made to come together in such a way as to provide the ultimate outcome for the vendor. As one of Belle Property’s premier auctioneers, Balwyn local Toby Parker is well aware of this and has a strong focus on maximising the sale price for his vendors.

Toby is a licenced Real Estate Agent, Auctioneer and the Principal Director of Belle Property Balwyn. He has a business degree from La Trobe University, which gave him the skills to master the art of sales and negotiation.

Now, after many, many sales, Toby has established himself as a major force in real estate in the Boroondara and Whitehorse area. He has an exceptional talent for drawing out extra bids, and understands the emotional aspects of buying and selling property. He is always on hand to offer guidance to his clients and thrives on doing what he does best - real estate sales.

Specialty suburbs


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