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You're in safe hands

A senior career Property Manager with many years' experience and a well-deserved reputation for outstanding customer care, Jason Hitchman is the consummate professional who inspires great confidence in his clients. His mature businesslike approach to managing their investment assets and maximising their returns has resulted in a great reputation for properties leased. As head of property management at Belle Property Manly, Jason is responsible for business development and strategy but chooses to maintain a hands-on role in directly looking after clients himself.

Along with standard residential rentals, Jason is an expert in executive leasing and has a large network of contacts within major corporations and relocation companies to ensure a near-zero vacancy rate for his clients. A lifelong Northern Beaches resident with his own portfolio of local investment properties, Jason's clients appreciate his endless energy and enthusiastic willingness to provide advice and assistance whenever required.

They also draw significant comfort from his vast experience and commitment to managing their assets long-term. This is in stark contrast to the industry's typical Property Manager who is young, inexperienced and aspiring to a career in real estate sales. Prior to launching his real estate career in 2003, Jason spent six years in the banking and finance industry and therefore has an exceptional understanding of investors' priorities.


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Understand the current value of your home or investment property with a complimentary, obligation-free appraisal from your local Hockingstuart agent. 

Submit a request via the link and we will be in touch.

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