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Join Hockingstuart

Hockingstuart’s strength as a group strongly correlates to the quality and expertise of our people, and we are always looking for high-calibre franchise owners and team members to join our expanding network.

Click below to learn more about our current franchise opportunities, and search vacancies in our Head Office and agencies across sales, property management, marketing or administration.

Sitchu magazine

Thanks to our partnership with leading Australian lifestyle publisher, Sitchu, our listings feature on Sitchu’s heavily-trafficked website and in its magazine, exposing your property to a wide audience of potential buyers.

Featuring destination guides, home tours, local escapes and property advice, Sitchu magazine is published fortnightly and distributed to our national office network and associated businesses.

Our global partner

Thanks to our network’s exclusive membership of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World (LeadingRE), an invitation-only global real estate network of 550 property firms, all our listings appear on its online global property portal. This provides unmatched reach for our clients, exposing your property to an otherwise hidden market of international buyers in 70 countries.

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