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Blacksnake Road, Black Snake


12 acres, plus additional Water Reserve

Opportunity knocks with this 12 acre parcel of vacant land plus the water reserve (25 acres), all under 10 minutes to Kilkivan. The entire property consists of fertile creek flat soils, with Coppermine Creek running alongside the western boundary. Bitumen road frontage offers good access all year round, plus it is all fully boundary fenced with grids at either end. Pastures are in good condition and water is plentiful with reliable water holes in Coppermine Creek. Additionally, a PVC cased bore (unequipped) estimated with flows over 1,200gph is a huge bonus to secure water needs. The Water Reserve has grazing rights and is an added benefit to the property. This is a good starter block to develop further. Contact Stuart Hill on 0418 764 158 to discuss further.

Real Estate Agent
Property information
Property ID
Property type
Land size
4.91 hectare

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Thank you for your interest in Lot 1 & 39 Blacksnake Road, Black Snake QLD 4600. To receive a copy of the contract via email, please fill in your details below.

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Located in the beating heart of the Sunshine Coast, Belle Property Maroochydore combines the community focused and family-friendly culture of the Sunshine Coast, with the prestige and premium offering of the Belle Property brand.

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