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Hockingstuart Warragul

We are thrilled to bring a premium real estate brand that fits perfectly into the Warragul community. Originally established as an independent family agency, the Hockingstuart Warragul team has a friendly approach to our work and have a genuine focus to help as many people as possible while making the experience the best in the industry.

Directors Geoff, Sharon & Vin Quirk, each have over 20 years working in the industry and combined with their dedicated group of real estate professionals live and work in the local area, and all together, they bring a powerful blend of experience, knowledge and customer service. Renowned as one of Victoria’s most picturesque country destinations, Warragul and the surrounding region is not only a great place to visit, but a wonderful place to live. Family homes, large acreages, working farms or prestige rural hideaways, we ensure that all properties we list receive the highest attention to detail, and our clients are served with honesty and integrity.

We are a well-respected and long-standing business providing superior standards of service in residential sales, leasing, commercial/industrial and property management in this highly popular district. Representing the wider Hockingstuart group with its prestige branding, exceptional marketing and strong ethical values, Hockingstuart Warragul are committed to offering a rewarding real estate experience with all the systems and tools in place to enable us to provide the best in the business.



Our team

Principal | Real Estate Agent
Principal | Real Estate Agent
Principal | Operations Manager
Sales & Marketing
Senior Property Manager

Specialty suburbs


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